Fall Mantle Basics // Fall Mantle Inspiration

Fall Mantle Basics // Fall Mantle Inspiration

'Tis the season for all things pumpkin! The white pumpkin is still holding its number one spot in our hearts regardless if your home style is modern or rustic. Fall mantles are focused on textures from natural elements like wheat or magnolia leaves and coziness from candles and soft autumn colors. Check out my fall [...]

Nordic New Year

Nordic New Year

2019 is here! I am looking forward to this fresh new year after the roller coaster ride that was 2018. I feel like personally and in business 2018 was a growing year which comes with its peaks and valleys. Cleaning out and simplifying my home has been therapeutic while also calming. I've been very inspired [...]

Halloween Home Decor Trends Haunting your Feeds

Halloween Home Decor Trends Haunting your Feeds

Halloween is one of those holidays we can all get super creative with decor but there are some major trends happening that are hard to resist not giving in to. I've rounded up my favorite Halloween decor trends that are updated, modern takes on the sometimes very cookie cutter traditional mass produced decorations. Don't worry no inflatables are included!

3 Must Haves for the Perfect Fall Mantle

3 Must Haves for the Perfect Fall Mantle

Whether you're a vintage girl or modern girl or somewhere in between we all can agree that a perfectly styled fall mantle is the key to transforming your space from summer to oh so cozy! I've researched (aka insta-stalked) the feeds of my favorite designers to share with you my absolute favorite fall mantles. My [...]

Sweet endings lead to fresh beginnings #anothermantlemonday

Sweet endings lead to fresh beginnings #anothermantlemonday

Happy 2018! Looking back on 2017 my heart is full. It was the best year welcoming our baby girl and finally tying the knot. So many wonderful adventures and time spent with loved ones. This business is getting bigger and continues to evolve.... its a beautiful thing. Somehow it went from November to January in [...]

The DIY Mantle #anothermantlemonday

The DIY Mantle #anothermantlemonday

When you live in Arizona fireplaces are not too common as you'd imagine but I absolutely love mantles and the endless options to decorate them. My style started off very Fixer Upper Farmhouse inspired but as trends change I incorporate and evolve my style to what speaks to me. I find that if I stick [...]